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Background Apps Draining Your Energy?

I charge my cell phone every night because I'm responsible like that. (Read: Like many of you, I may have an unhealthy attachment to my phone and panic when my battery gets even remotely low.)  Every once in a while I will start the morning off with that glorious green that is a full battery in the top right corner of my screen and an hour or so later, I'll look down and it has dipped to 70%. Then 50%. I haven't been using my phone long at all and yet, all the energy seems to be drained. What causes that to happen? Some days it's fine. Other days, I'm 2 feet from my power cord at all times. No social distancing for us. I have found that the culprit is usually some app, unbeknownst to me, running in the background, zapping my phone without me ever noticing. And that is what life since March 2020 has felt like to me. Whether I am aware of it or not, and I'm usually not because I have a gift for being woefully out of touch with my thoughts and feelings, the

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