Would Somebody Write Me A Like Song?

I'm about to celebrate what I believe is my first Valentine's Day as someone in a serious relationship. Sam and I started dating about 7 months ago and it has been a delightful process of getting to know him, letting him know me, traversing the distance between Muncie and Memphis, and having a lot of Google hangouts. God bless technology. 

As I have been purchasing some small gifts, hand-crafting Sam-specific Valentine's cards (and by that I mean stealing things off the internet and printing them and pasting them on pretty paper), and putting together a cd of all my feelings for him (basically a mixtape like any other 13 year old girl would do....it seems I'm a bit dyslexic when it comes to my age...31, 13...basically the same), I have come into a small dilemma:

There are very few songs that state, "I really, really like you." instead of "I love you". 

Could someone please write a song for the girl who doesn't want to be to presumptuous? For those couples who are growing but aren't quite to the saying "I love you" yet? 

So that's my charge....let's write some songs for the growing couples out there. Or at least tweak some popular songs out here today:

The classic Olivia Newton John love ballad could change from: "I love you, I honestly love you" to "I like you, I really really you." 

We can go the hopeful for the future route from the Whitey Houston classic:: "I will always love you" could be "I will someday love you". 

I'm contemplating some original tunes voicing the fears and doubts of those who aren't at the "I love you" stage yet:

"I get nervous that I'm accidentally going to say 'I love you' when we hang up the phone."


"I've never noticed how often I use the word 'love' until I met you"


"Let's be likers".

So those are my thoughts. Now it is off to finalize a mix tape that will communicate some but not all of my feelings for a boy I really, really like.

Happy Valentine's Day!


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