God Is Flippin' Trucks

An expression that has become sort of a thing around Ball State Cru is that "God is flippin' trucks". And I love it a lot, although I'm not exactly sure what it means other than God is doing some ridiculously awesome things here. It has been so sweet to see the Lord orchestrate SO MANY things in the past week that all I find myself doing is sitting back and crying, grateful to see His hand so tangibly at work. This summer I felt the Lord teaching me to scale back and trust Him for more: to believe that He is a God who is able to do abundantly more than we could ever ask or imagine. To see that He is in control, that He wants to bring revival, and we need to just pray and ask Him to work. For someone who likes to have her hands in everything, who tends to find identity in what she does and fears if she drops a ball that the entire ministry at Ball State will crumble (hey there pride), I have trusted God more than ever and have seen Him blow my expectations out of the water! I wish I could adequately explain all I'm seeing God do, but words fail me. It must be like when Isaiah sees the vision of the throne room of God and is trying to explain angels or something. Have I mentioned it's 2am and I've decided to write a blog? I should probably get to bed, but I feel the need to gush on my Creator a little bit because He is at work.

Examples, you ask?

*Around 972 students came to our Bar-B-Cru during welcome week and it was the best cookout BSU has ever seen. Hands down. Best part? Completely student-led. They are owning this movement. No student was alone, people were sharing their faith, connections were made...it was great!

*1831 new students filled out a questionnaire and many of them indicated they were "exploring truth" and wanted more info on God and spirituality. So, this week I got to share the Gospel with 3 girls and had a girl who was "exploring truth" actually call me back to set up an appointment for me to share my faith with her. What the what?!

*A week ago we just had 2 staff and 2 emcees for our weekly meeting. No tech, no band, no promo, no set-up or tear-down. Just lots and lots of question marks. God provided all those spots and more, and tonight we pulled off a meeting that literally packed out Pruis Hall to the point that we almost had to ask people to leave, the cops were called twice for "public disturbances" and "fire code violations" and at least 708 people heard the gospel clearly proclaimed. And after a quick glance through some response cards, it seems at least 2 people came to Christ tonight.

*One of the Lafollette Bible studies had so many girls interested in their study that they don't even know what they're going to do with it! 

*We're bursting at the seams, my friends. And we are just getting started!

I am convicted that I prayed for God to pack out Pruis so much that we'd have to move to Worthen Arena, yet, when the possibility of having to shut down our meeting because we were over capacity came up, I couldn't believe it. This is what He's talking about. More than I could ask or imagine. There is an excitement and an anticipation in the air. I can't help but think that this is what God has been preparing me for all summer. I'm excited for things to get out-of-control messy. More students than we have leaders to lead them. No place for us to meet. More new believers than we have people to follow them up and help them grow. 

Our God is a God of abundance. He is showing His glory, His care, His power, and reminding me that He is going to make things move. He is building His kingdom. And I can't believe I get to be a part of it! It is humbling. Praise God...this is going to be a fun year:) Please be praying for God to continue to move, for repentance and revival, and against the enemy's schemes. 

I really can't tell you how cool it has been to see God's grace and control. He is so worthy of my life and I'm grateful He lets me see the things I get to see. Can't wait to tell you more about it! Now, I'm going to try to continue to wind down. It's hard when God's flipping trucks all over the place.


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