Sweet Affirmation

There is much I could update on, but it is late, its been a full weekend, and I have a full day ahead tomorrow. 13 days left in San Diego Destino Summer Project, which makes me so sad. Sad to go back to "real life" in Muncie and beyond as I begin the support-raising process once again. Sad to leave the land of 70 degrees and low humidity. Sad to leave this beautiful campus and city. But most of all, I'll be really sad to not be able to live life with the people I've been living life with the past 3-4 weeks.

 It is amazing that you can plan, prepare, and teach all the truth  you want, but unless the Lord shows up, it's all in vain. I have been so encouraged lately because the things we've been going after in the Word as a project, the goal of helping them see their identity in Christ...well, the Lord is doing it! In a way that only He can. And I keep learning the importance of trusting Him with big things. I'm convinced He wants us to be surrendered to Him, seeking Him in prayer, and as we seek Him, that He is going to do big things.

Tonight I got to talk w/one of my sweet disciples for the summer, and as we processed what God's been doing in her life, staying up 'late' to talk about the joys and pains of living a life for Christ, I couldn't help but think "This is what I'm created for!" And there is nothing more fulfilling that knowing you are exactly where the Lord wants you...and not because I'm bringing anything amazing to the table in and of myself, but because I'm confident that this is what the Lord has created me for. And it is a crazy-humbling privilege to get a front-row seat to what He is doing in the lives of people all over the world. Who am I that I get to see the things I get to see? And we still have 13 days left.

Praying the Lord moves in a mighty way.
Praying it starts in my heart.
Excited to see this good work He started completed some day (Phil 1:6)
Confident Destino will be launched here because of His faithfulness.


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