A Jesus-filled Kind of Day

Today was a pretty great day, to say the least. It was one of those moments that from the minute I woke up, fell back asleep, bargained w/the Lord for more sleep and not working out, and finally got up, sensed His presence.The night before I prayed for a good night's rest, prayed to be refreshed when I woke, asked if He'd get me up early to work out, then tried to negotiate against it, He gently prodded me out of bed by shining the sun light perfectly through the crack in my shades right into my face, as to say "You asked for it. I'm going to do whatever it takes to hold you accountable." So after a workout at the gym, riding the exercise bike and reading through Ephesians, I got ready for a day on campus.

Quick sidenote: using the bicycle machine (is that what you call it? clearly i don't use it often) is the only way I can read and work out simultaneously. Seriously, how do people not get sick or read the same word over and over again while doing an elipitical or running on a treadmill. They are much more skilled than I.

Anyway, I got to have a really sweet conversation with a disciple on the project. It is SO cool to see the Lord going after her heart and I love getting to talk about life and Jesus.

Then, Ann Marie and I went on campus and approached a girl to do a perspectives survey with. She shot us down originally because she was eating but invited us back once she was done. So, we went and prayed that the Lord would use this conversation, and boy, He answered!

We went through the survey w/her, asking about her thoughts on the nature of God, man, the purpose of life, who Jesus is, and what the source of spiritual truth is. We quickly found out she had a rough childhood, was adopted, and had no spiritual background. Whatsoever. Like, she kept saying sweet things like, "Christianity...that's what you call that religion, right?"

Anyway, long story short, she kept asking great questions, let me share the whole Gospel to her, asked more questions, let me go through the Knowing God Personally booklet with her, indicated she didn't know Christ but she'd like to. I explained how and she understood. I told her she could pray w/me or do it on her own, and she seemed to say she'd do it on her own. It got a little gray there, but afterwards she kept continuing the conversation. She also said she'd try to come to our bonfire on the beach this Friday. So, yeah, I got to explain the gospel to someone who had never heard it before and invest in a 2 hour long conversation. Many more cool things could be said about it, but one that stands out is, "So, it's like giving God the keys and letting Him drive." It's cool to see how God provided a great conversation. He's at work, my friends!


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