just a thought

i've just been recently catching up on some tv shows i've been missing out on the past month....namely the trifecta: 30 rock, the office and chuck. thank you, nbc. well done. if you're not watching these shows, you should change that immediately.

as i watched the bonus features of 30 rock, because i'm awesome like that, i happened upon a web dialogue taking place below. and a trend i've noticed with any sort of online discussion, whether it be looking for advice on how to download the latest pokemon template for your myspace page, or even how to best make chocolate chips cookies on all recipes.com, there seems to always be some sort of online scuffle going down when web discussion is involved.

and as i read the online trash talk, i began to wonder what kind of people were taking part in these conversations. i don't necessarily think it's the typically hostile or abrasive types. i think they get their fill in real life. no, i like to think that it is some quiet librarian, minding her p's and q's all day long, who comes home, takes down that bun, and then engages in what i can only deem as an online cage fight. and for some reason, that makes me chuckle a bit.

between that and the new bathroom publication, "fecal matters", i came up with today, i'm feeling like my old, creative self. and i'll let you know when "fecal matters" hits the stalls...i mean, stands.


Nifer said…
you should make "fecal matters" and sell it to RAs who have to put stuff up in the bathrooms :)
i think you are on to something.

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