I finally left xanga

It seems that all it takes to get me back in the world of blogging is one person asking me to do so. What can I say, I'm an easy sell. Well, I've abandoned xanga to try out the world of blogspot. Why? Prettier templates, but I have found this may take some work. I only see 7 to choose from right now, but I'm sure after some investigating (also known as procrastinating) I may find something more aesthetically pleasing. So we have the templates that lured me in, but I think there also something freeing about separating myself from past failure. My xanga-ing started off with such promise, but after I moved away from a land where I would see moto-carts filled with yak heads, pelts, and other body parts on my way to work, I thought I had lost inspiration to write anywhere but my journal. (Sidenote: when did we transition from having a 'diary' to a 'journal'? Was it after I stopped writing who held hands with who on the school playground or starting every entry with the lunch menu for the day? Or was it when I entered the Christian world and it became a crucial part of the quiet time? The world may never know.) Although the world I live in isn't as inherantly funny, there is still plenty to laugh about. And if we're being honest, since the decline of xanging in my social circle, I do feel less connected to the people around me. Lest I pick up my cell and call, or even send a facebok message, I'd rather passively read about what is happening in other's lives. I guess I'm just a product of a generation that has the world at it's fingertips, but prefers to stay in it's on world. The whole connected while disconnected thing...I'm sure the anthropology majors of the world are enjoying the study of this culture.

So to keep you all updated on my life, here's the scoop. Save your phone minutes.

Career: I will soon be a full-time staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ at Ball State University. My job is to disciple student leaders, share my faith, and basically be a professional friend and Jesus-teller-abouter. (The technical term, of course). I have to raise all my financial support to do this and currently need $750/month to be able to begin ministry. So you can be praying that the Lord would be gracious and finish it off so I can be on campus doing what I'm created to do, and if you feel led to give or know someone who would want to hear about campus ministry, just let me know.

Car: Yes, I'm only discussing things that begin with the letters "car'. Most of you should know that I have a spirit of adventure. I like to explore the unexplored. When I lived in East Asia I would love to walk or ride around the city looking for places no one has found before. This is how we figured out there was a laser-tag and awesome music store in town. You're welcome. Well, just because I'm living in Muncie now, and I've lived here for 4 years, doesn't mean I've lost my spirit of adventure. My latest fad is to go to restaurants that no one has been to before. One on the top of my list is called "La Hacienda" and can be found on the south side of town. (yes, over the tracks) Last Friday I roped my friend Kayla into checking it out with me before we hit up the Adam&Adam concert and as we headed south on Madison, giddy with the prospect of a new Puerta Vallarta rival, I noticed as I approached an intersection, that the black Pontiac Sunfire who clearly had a red light was acting as if she was going to turn left into my car. I swerved and honked simultaneously, but could not avoid her car. Now don't worry, we were all fine, and impact could really be compared to really expensive bumper cars. So, the police were called, and weren't overly helpful. I won't go into it, but it was a challenge for me to remain godly and what not as I talked with them. But, she claimed full responsibility and long story short, my car will eventually get repaired. For now I'm walking and bumming rides, but I'm really glad to say her insurance company will be paying for the rental car I'll be getting tomorrow. I'm hoping for a Caddy or BMW, but I'll probably get a poop-brown spec. Guess I won't be big-pimpin as I head home to Greensburg this weekend.

So there you go, a brief update. Just one of the many to come, I'm sure. You happy, Katie?


Seriously, you have no idea how happy this makes me. *sigh*

And yes, I'm definitely a member of that generation. In additions to blogs, I like texting because a) I can do multi-task and b) I can get just the information I need without having to endure long phone conversations. Shallow? Yes. Handy? Yes. :)

Welcome to Blogspot.
If you love me, you will update your blog. No pressure or anything...

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